With an internship or practical training, you can deepen what you have learned or gain new perspectives on study content. You can complete practical trainings within the scope of your free elective courses or as part of your curriculum (compulsory practical training).
However, for a job-oriented/subject-related practical training, you must apply for approval/recognition in advance using this form.
- Information on the extent of a compulsory pracitcal training can be found in your curriculum.
- One week of full employment corresponds to 1.5 ECTS credits.
- Within the scope of your free elective courses, a maximum of 12 ECTS credit points can be recognised for any internship or practical training. If your degree programme includes less than 12 ECTS credit points of free elective courses, the maximum recognisable credit points are fewer.

Differences in Procedures and Responsibilities
Compulsory practical training
Compulsory practical trainings require approval from the Chairperson of the curricular committee of the respective degree programme.
Before the internship/pracitcal training
- Complete pages 1 and 2 of the form.
- Have the chairperson of the curricular committee responsible sign the form.
After end of internship/practical trainig
- The company/institution must confirm completion of the practical training (form page 3).
- Submit the pre-approved form (page 1-2) including confirmation from the company/institution (page 3 or 4) to the chairperson of the curricular committee responsible.
- The practical training is entered and confirmed on UNIGRAZonline by the chairperson of the curricular committee responsible at the department.
Free elective courses
Internships or practical trainings as the free elective courses are approved by the responsible (vice) dean of studies.
Before the internship/pracitcal training
- Complete pages 1 and 2 of the form.
- E-mail it to gewi.anerkennung(at)uni-graz.at.
After end of internship/practical training
- The company/institution must confirm completion of the practical training (form page 3).
- E-mail this confirmation along with your registration number to gewi.anerkennung(at)uni-graz.at.
- The practical training is entered and confirmed on UNIGRAZonline by the administrator responsible at the dean's office.
- The student is notified exclusively via the e-mail address provided by the University of Graz once the practical training has been confirmed.
An extraordinary civilian service/voluntary year of social service can be recognised as professionally oriented practical training within the scope of the free elective courses.