Visiting professors at the faculty
We regularly welcome visiting professors to the faculty. They engage in research and teaching and enrich our with their expertise.
Visiting professors in the academic year 2024/25
Hakim Abderrezak, PhD, University of Minnesota (Department of Philosophy)
Mag. Dr.habil. Robert Felfe, University of Graz (Department of Arts and Musicology)
Kirsten Fischer, PhD, University of Minnesota (Department of Philosophy)
Dr Cornelia Logemann, PD, University of Graz (Department of Arts and Musicology)
Anja Karnein, PhD, Binghamton University (Department of Philosophy)
Matthias Iser, PhD, Binghamton University (Department of Philosophy)
Thomas Parr, PhD, University of Warwick (Department of Philosophy)
Prof. Dr Alessandro Pinzani, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Department of Philosophy)
Visiting professors of the past years
Visiting professorships in the 2023/24 academic year
- Juliette Cherbuliez, PhD, University of Minnesota (Institute for Romance Studies)
- Dr.phil habil. Julian Culp, MA, The American University of Paris (Institute of Philosophy)
- Dr. Alberto Pirni, Sant'Anna Scoula Universitaria Superiore Pisa (Institute of Philosophy)
- PD Dr. Federico Italiano, ÖAW (Institute for Theoretical and Applied Translation Studies)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Moehler, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg (Department of Philosophy)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Cristina Scuderi, University of Graz (Institute of Art and Musicology)
Visiting professorships in the academic year 2022/23
- PhD. Dabitor Davidović, University of Zagreb (Department of Musicology)
- PhD. Dr.phil.habil. Robert Felfe, University of Graz (Department of Art History)
- PhD. Helmut Groschwitz, MA, Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Department of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alice Landskron, University of Graz (Department of Classics)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Matthias Rothe, University of Minnesota (Department of German)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr Florian Schaffenrath, University of Innsbruck (Department of Classical Philology and Neo-Latin Studies)
Visiting professorships in the academic year 2021/22
- Shana Bestock, Penguin Productions, Fulbright Specialist Program (Department of American Studies)
- Dr. Montserrat Camps-Gaset, University of Barcelona (Department of Classics)
- Ass.-Prof. Jessica Conrad, Clayton State University, Fulbright Visiting Professor in Cultural Studies (Department of American Studies)
- Dr. Noëmie Duhaut, IEG Mainz, Germany (Center for Jewish Studies, Kurt-David-Brühl Visiting Professorship)
- PD Dr. Federico Italiano, Academy of Sciences (Department of Translation Studies)
- Dr.phil. Anja Karnein, Binghampton University, SUNY (Department of Philosophy)
- Ph.D., Prof. Lawrence Kim, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas (Department of Classics)
- Prof. Jan L. Krawitz, Stanford University, Fulbright Visiting Professor in Cultural Studies (Department of American Studies & Department of Art History)
- Dr. habil. Matthias Krüger, University of Siegen (Department for Art History)
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Alice Landskron, University of Graz (Department for Classics)
- Dr. Stefanija Leon, University of Ljubljana (Department of Musicology)
- Prof. Dr. Alessandro Pinzani, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis (Department of Philosophy)
- ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Scheutz, University of Vienna (Department of History)
- Dr. phil. Björn Siegel, Institute for the History of German Jews (IGdJ) (Center for Jewish Studies)
- Dr. Iris Wien, Humboldt University Berlin (Department for Art History)
Visiting professorships in the academic year 2020/21
- Irina Sandomirskaja, PhD, Södertörn University (Department of Slavic Studies)
- Priv.-Doz. Mag.phil. Dr.phil.habil. Sonja Maria Steckbauer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Department of Romance Studies)
- Tongjin Yang, PhD, Guangxi University (Department of Philosophy)
For over twenty years, we have welcomed researchers from various disciplines to our faculty as part of this program. The well-equipped professorship enables exchange at the highest level and is perceived as extremely enriching by all participants. The Visiting Professor in Cultural Studies program lasts 4 months and includes research and teaching activities (at least 2 courses).
The University of Graz is interested in an interdisciplinary cultural studies approach that fits into one (or better several) of the following areas:
- American Studies
- Ancient and modern history
- Archaeology
- Art History
- Jewish Studies
- Digital Humanities
- Classical and modern languages and literature
- Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
- Linguistics
- Translation Studies
- Musicology
- Philosophy
More detailed information and calls for applications & visiting professors from previous years
The goal of the Kurt-David-Brühl Visiting Professorship for Jewish Studies is to teach the basics of Jewish culture and history and to deal with selected special topics in seminars.
Since the academic year 2001/2002, 19 visiting professors from all over Europe have worked at the Center for Jewish Studies at the Faculty of Humanities within the framework of the Kurt-David-Brühl Visiting Professorship.
The visiting professorship comprises 6 semester hours of teaching per week, of which 2 semester hours must take the form of a lecture. The Kurt-David-Brühl Visiting Professorship in Jewish Studies is oriented towards cultural studies and is therefore open to applicants from various academic disciplines.