Funding Scholarship
Are you currently writing your thesis and have to travel for it or have special expenses? Then the funding scholarship is the right thing for you.
A funding scholarship is a one-time scholarship between € 750 and € 3,600. Funds can be applied for different expenses (stays abroad, conference fees, extensive literature searches, etc). However, these expenses must be specified in one application; multiple applications for a thesis are not possible. However, it is possible to apply for one grant for your master's thesis and one for your dissertation.

Submission deadline: 16th September until 25th October 2024
Call for applications and submission deadlines
Last call for applications in Mitteilungsblatt of April 17th 2024
Next submission deadlines
expected May 2025 and
October 2025
What is financially supported?
You can apply for a funding grant if you incur special costs in the course of writing your master's thesis or dissertation. At the time of your application, your thesis must not have been completed. The following expenses will be funded:
domestic and/or international travel related to the topic of the thesis
participation in subject-specific conferences and congresses
extensive literature search
empirical studies
Costs for a 2nd class train ride, economy class flights (weekend fare, red ticket), costs for public transportation to get to the train station or airport
Costs for overnight stays appropriate for the region
Additional expenses for meals only in clearly justified cases
Contributions to printing costs for a publication of your thesis or dissertation up to a maximum amount of € 400 (confirmation of publisher required)
What is not financially supported?
Acquisition costs for items that can be used for several years and that remain the property of the scholarship holder (e. g. laptop, computer, printer, travel suitcase)
Acquisition of books that are available in sufficient quantity in a Graz library or department
Flat-rate accommodation costs as well as regular catering expenses
Travel expenses from your place of residence to your place of study
Travel expenses, with the exception of costs for:
- 2nd class train travel
- Economy class flights (weekend fare, red ticket),
- Costs of public transportation to get to the train station or airport -
Cost of participation in evening events at congresses/meetings or congress excursions
Office supplies
Reproduction costs and binding costs for master's theses and dissertations
Who is eligible to apply?
Students who are enrolled for a regular degree programme at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Graz with Austrian citizenship, foreigners with equal status, and stateless persons are eligible to apply (see amendment to the StudFG on "Equal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons"). The applicant must complete their studies within the period of entitlement according to §18 StudFG (minimum period of study + one tolerance semester). The entitlement period is to be extended if the student proves that exceeding the entitlement period was due to valid reasons (see §19 StudFG).
Additional info: If you were registered for a degree programme in the summer semester of 2020, this will not be taken into account, i.e. the entitlement period can be exceeded by two semesters in this case.
The applicant must have consistently demonstrated good academic practice and, in particular, not used any unauthorized aids in examinations or written work.
Application documents
Email your application, including all attachments, to the Dean's Office:
Confirmation of registration (residence)
If you are not an Austrian citizen, you have to attach documents that prove you are entitled to equal treatment (see amendment of the StudFG "Equal treatment of foreigners and stateless persons").
Degree certificate(s)
Transcript of Records (UNIGRAZonline App -> "Transcripts")
Curriculum vitae
Description of the content of the planned work
Cost statement (including information about which sources have been applied to for financial support at the same time or the amount that will be awarded for any upcoming grants)
At least one expert opinion (usually the supervisor of the thesis or dissertation) on the cost breakdown and on whether the student is likely to be able to carry out the work with above-average success on the basis of their previous academic achievements and proposals for carrying out the work.
If there is a valid reason why the period of entitlement according to §§ 18, 19 StudFG has been exceeded (e.g. due to parental leave, illness, military service, stay abroad), corresponding evidence must be provided
Additional information: If you were registered for a degree programme in the summer semester 2020, this will not be taken into account, i.e. the period of entitlement can be exceeded by two semesters in this case. -
Prerequisite: Announcement of the topic of your master's thesis or dissertation must already have been made (this does not need to beattached, as the information is already available in the Dean's Office).
Duties in case of award
After notification of the award of a scholarship, 75% of the promised amount will be paid.
After completion of the funded work, the scholarship holder is obliged to submit an informal report on the proper use of the scholarship (including an accounting form and original receipts). If the report is submitted on time, the remaining 25% of the promised amount will be paid.
If the report is not submitted on time, the applicant automatically forfeits their claim to the remaining 25% of the scholarship. If no report is submitted after a single request by the Dean's Office and a reasonable grace period has been set, the scholarship funds received must be repaid in full.
In cases where it is justified, the faculty may refrain from non-payment of the remaining amount as well as from reclaiming the scholarship fees.