Das Podcast-Format "Hör-Saal:15 Minuten Forschung" geht mit seiner 29. Episode in die Sommerpause. Dabei gibt es aber noch eine Premiere: die aktuelle Folge ist die erste, die durchgehend in englischer Sprache aufgenommen wurde, da die beiden Interviewpartnerinnen PhD-Studierende am Fachdidaktikzentrum Anglistik sind und Englisch somit ihre Arbeitssprache ist. In ihrem Forschungsprojekt untersuchen sie "Teacher well-being", also das Wohlbefinden von LehrerInnen in ihrem Job vor und während der Corona-Pandemie. Weitere Informationen dazu "in English":
In many ways the Covid pandemic functioned as an amplifier, showing us already existing deficits all the more poignantly. In the newest episode of “Hör-Saal: 15 minutes of research” – the first one to be recorded in English entirely – we focus on teachers and their physical and mental health. Both have been challenged during the pandemic, as many of them struggled to maintain a balanced relationship between their jobs and their private lives.
Astrid Mairitsch and Sonja Babic are PhD candidates at the “Fachdidaktik Anglistik” of the University of Graz. They present to us their findings about teacher well-being before and during the pandemic. Moreover, they explain why a considerable amount of the teachers polled valued a good relationship with their students as a personal resource of strength.
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